Dear Parents and Carers,
I was delighted to hear from teachers that they had so many brilliant conversations with parents and carers at last week’s parent conferences. At Lyndhurst we know that collaboration between home and school is vital in securing the best for our pupils. We have an exciting week ahead with lots going on.

The Lyndhurst Proms is back.The school gates will open at 6:15pm. Pupils and their families are then invited to find a space on the MUGA to have a picnic or just sit on a blanket until their year group is called up to perform. All children must be accompanied by an adult.We have invited Yr7 pupils back, they must rsvp by Monday by emailing are expecting dry weather but if the forecast changes, please bring rain jackets rather than umbrellas.Friends of Lyndhurst will be selling Tea, Coffee and soft drinks. So please bring some cash and your cup! All donations are very welcome to support our school.FOL have recently provided funds towards the school library, school trips, coding workshops, science week, ducklings, new books for classrooms and more. They hope to raise even more this year to enrich all our children's experience at school.
Bikeability Training
Cycling is a brilliant skill to have, it’s good for the body, mind and environment. We are delighted that our Yr. 3,4 & 6 pupils will be taking part in Bikeability Cycle Confident training over the next few weeks.
Times Table Rockstar’s Goes Live
Number fluency is a vital part of mathematics. At Lyndhurst we support the acquisition of multiplication facts through the use of Times Table Rockstars. Children can practise their recall of multiplication facts through games and ‘rock battles’ whilst earning points that their avatars can spend. Logins are going out this week, please encourage your child to spend some time each week using this app to improve their recall of multiplication facts.
Phonics Workshop
Reception parents keep your eyes peeled for details of the phonics workshop. This is a great way to demystify phonics and to get a better understanding of what phonics is and how we teach it.
Coding Week Correction
Last week I thanked Friends of Lyndhurst for the coding sessions but neglected to thank the many parents who also ran sessions. Thank you to: Angela Hudson, Ros Miller, Eve Bensasson & Matthew Howard. Without the support of parents, events like coding week would not be the amazing experiences that they are.
Friends of Lyndhurst Grants Sub Committee
At the last FOL meeting it was discovered that a number of parents have experience in writing grant applications. We are setting up a small sub-committee to start applying for grants. If you would like to be a part of this please email .
Mini Marathon
All of our children will be taking part in the TCS Mini Marathon over the next two weeks. Which involves them each running 2.6 miles!
October Half Term
Don’t forget that we have partnered with MaxJaeger to run a half term activity camp with profits going to the school. You can book a place by clicking here.
Lyndhurst’s Football Team knocking it out of the park
Our fearless football team had a great match on Saturday winning 9:1 against Sudbourne Primary School.
A few Upcoming Dates
-Tuesdays we have our open afternoons. This Tuesday, we also have an open evening. Please help spread the word to any parents looking for an in-year place or a place for September.
-Thursday 29th 6-8pm Friends of Lyndhurst Welcome Evening.
-Mon 3rd October is the start of Black History month with the theme being ‘actions not words’.
-Tuesday 4th is Poetry Day.
Lastly, I want to remind parents that on Friday 7th October we have an INSET day and as such the school will be closed for pupils.
Have a great week everyone!
Tom Turnham