The Scoop Week 11th June 2024

Hello Lyndhurst Family,

Plans are fully underway for the summer carnival this weekend. It’s a herculean effort to pull off this kind of event, so a huge thank you to everyone who is helping in whatever way they can. It’s a great way to spend your weekend regardless of the weather—so spread the word and enjoy the live DJ, excellent food and range of activities on offer. The funds raised support so many of the wonderful activities and projects that the school and FOL undertake each year. So please come along.

Here are this week’s notices:

Term Dates2024-2025:

Please find attached the revised term dates for next year- one inset in the summer term has moved from the earlier publication of these dates. These will shortly go on the school website.

Year Six Fundraising:

We are going to do another fundraiser for the year sixes on Friday 28thJune at 3:30pm in the playground. This will be a jewellery and ice-pop sale.

Smart Phone Free Schools:

This week 17 of the 20 secondary schools in Southwark agreed to go smart phone free in September. All of the secondary schools in our trust have agreed to this pledge. You can read more about it here. At Lyndhurst we will be heavily encouraging those families who have phones to go smart phone free too.

FOL Minutes:

You can read  the minute to the last FOL meeting here.

New Teachers& Transition:

We are delighted to be welcoming two new teachers to our school. Ms Ellen Flynn and Ms Rose Salvage both not only demonstrated their proficiency during the interview process but also showed an impressive depth of knowledge about our community and commitment to our values.

For those of children whose classes are being shuffled we will be confirming the new classes in the next week. We will also confirm with everyone who their new teacher will be. This will enable us to support all pupils with a managed transition. There will be at least one opportunity for pupils to spend time with their new adult team before the end of the term.

Sporting Update:

The boys played their final match of the season yesterday, a must win to the take the league title against Hatcham, the only unbeaten side in the division. “Wow, they are so big”, was one of the comments overheard as they arrived at the ground. But Lyndhurst were undaunted, putting all the hard work they’ve done at training into action - Campbell showed real skill and bravery in his tackles, the midfielders moved the ball quickly and effectively when they had the chance. Lyndhurst went behind twice, thanks to some great play from Hatcham, but they showed dogged resilience to quickly fight back. Fraser shrugged off the challenges to slot the ball in and Eric powered home from outside the box,(after some determined play from Dami to keep the ball in our possession).Final score, 2-2. Wherever we finish in the table, both the Lyndhurst teams -the girls and the boys - have shown what great teamwork should be all about -showing love and support for each other when things don’t go to plan and celebrating together when they do. A huge thank you to all the parents for their help yesterday and for all the support they’ve given throughout the year. And, of course a ginormous thank you to Coach Jim.


Summer Activities:

Tower of London are offering a £1 entry ticket for families on low incomes.

A maximum of 6 tickets per family can be reserved and paid for online using this link.

Fancy Running a Club:
We are organising our Beyond the Classroom club provision for the autumn term. Do you fancy running a before or after school club, it could be focused on a craft, sport or something else entirely (film, languages or an activity). We are looking for some additional club providers or volunteers. There are a number of ways you can get involved from volunteering to acting as a sole trader. If you are interested and want to find out more please contact Mr Peddle hpeddle@lyndhurst.southwark.sch.ukbefore Friday 14th June, which is when the club offer will go out to parents.

Art Week:

With art week (and our art exhibition) fast approaching we are looking for any parents or friends wishing to run a workshop in school. Please contact Ms Robinson

Author Visit-Jeffrey Boakye:

We are thrilled that on Thursday Jeffrey Boakye will be visiting our school to give a talk to years 4-6. He will be doing a book singing afterschool—you can order a copy to be signed using this link.

Eid Celebration21st June 3:30pm:

To mark Eid Al Adha we will be hosting an Eid event at Lyndhurst. There will be food, cultural displays, gifts, Henna and jewellery making. All proceeds will go to the year six fundraising efforts.  You can find more information on this poster.


Being Safe Online:

Each week we look at an area of being safe online. This week it is ‘phone scams’ you can find more details here.


That’s it from us, don’t forget to check out the key dates below.

Key Dates:

Fri 14th June – Coffee Morning- Music, Art & DT 9am @library

Fri 14th June – Rio Grande Class Assembly 09:15

Sat 15th June- School Fair/Carnival 3pm

Thur 20th June- Sports Day @ Ruskin Park

Thur 20th June- FOL meeting 8pm online

Fri 21st June- Eid Celebration 3:30pm in playground

Fri 28th June- Coffee Morning –assessment 9am in library

Mon 1st July – INSET DAY

Wed 3rd & Thur 4th July –Yr 6 Production Performances

Fri 5th July – FOL meeting 9am @ Library

Wed 10th July- Art Exhibition3:30-4:30pm

Wed 10th July- The Proms Concert 6pm

Fri 12th July – Coffee Morning – SEND9am in library

Mon 15th July- Yr 6 on school journey

Tue 23rd July Last Day – EARLY FINISH1:15pm